This was a wild place where nature held sway. But there was another wildness at work: a rebellious spirit which found form in illicit stills that gave birth to whisky traditions that live far beyond this remote corner of Scotland.
Our Story
A place where wildness lives again…

They called it
The Cabrach
‘A place of antlers and trees’ is the rough translation. Aye, ’rough’. Because nothing ever came easy here. All was hard-earned. The growing of crops and, when abundance allowed, the distilling of whisky too – despite the efforts of the elements and the exciseman to thwart them.

The wild spirit
lives again
But fallow years followed. People left. Memories faded. Yet the area – ever resilient – refused to yield. And slowly, over time, shoots of change have emerged at this rugged edge of Speyside.
For the wild spirit, at The Cabrach Distillery, lives again. A tale of renewal like no other, written by its own community. Now, the place of antlers and trees, and illicit stills, and stories to tell, is roused once more. Its long sleep is over.